Production and Operations Monitoring System is a robust, reliable and fully configurable application which monitors the health of the operations in real time across various dashboards like production, capacity, quality, performance, sampling etc. Bar coding across different stages of production combined with key data points from existing ERP are used by the POMS.
Key Benefits
- Real time visibility at two levels i.e. operating level & Management level for real time decision making
- Order wise capability to get actual/ possible dispatch timelines to commit to client in an effective manner (CRM on real time basis)
- Standardizing the operations on SAH/Cycle times with data points and analysis on actual utilization of capacity – resources – time
- Defining priorities on specific client orders and enabling the same level of prioritization across all departments using the system
(enabling a change with a single click on objectives!!!) - Real time visibility of rejections – reasons – quality enforcement etc
- Post deployment, initial discovery on actual and possible SAH and ability of reduce the same over a period of time, thereby saving significant man-hours’/days
- Continuously improve and refine the production process to bring in increased revenues investing optimal resources and time at the facility
- Cost reduction avenues for production, material and inventory control, resources etc