We are eLearning content development company since 1996 with focus on E-Learning. We are having complete Multimedia Courses for Engineering, IT, Polytechnics, ITI & Schools. We are successfully catering to 500 clients and VISIONet is the largest implemented eLearning solution in India. We have largest Course/LR’s/Content Library in Asia.
- Shortage or Lack of Quality Faculty: Record Lecture through Digital Library and store or publish in central serve, provide store Lecture as teaching aids where there is shortage of expert teacher or teacher not available.
- Uniform Teaching: The level of training/teaching is maintained even in situations when faculties change or do not have the specific subject matter expertise.
- Create Central Knowledge repository system: Connect institutes through internet with each other for share teaching, content and education at every stage.
- Provide central networking by connecting all provider directorate, institutions, teacher, students and resources to help collect, preserve, index and distribute knowledge anywhere & anytime: Powerful search, share information easily and effectively and video conferencing for smooth and effective communication and functionality.
- Providing 1000+ hrs of ready made multimedia content for immediate needs and expert & teacher can edit or change according to his need and desire.
- Increase teacher-student Interaction: Student can intranet with Teacher via – Video Chat, Text Chat, Voice chat and the help of multimedia lecture the teacher can clear the concept.
- Create Interest for Learners: Lecture session on critical topics will improve performance of the weak students. Understand the concepts easily due to real classroom like environment. Use of Multimedia, such as audio-videos, slide shows, and presentations make learning easy and fun.
- Enhances Quality of Education: Provided good quality content and online examination system for online exam so teacher can access student weakness and improve quality.
- Enhance Retention Level: Never Miss a Class: Students can watch missed pre-recorded classes and presentations on demand and at an any where any time. The full-featured archives also aid in revising the lessons.
- Session can be recorded in the storage device for future Playback.
- Increase Employability: It provides readymade multimedia short term courses for Skill development to improve his confidence. These courses are prepared by subject expert so they serve a valuable purpose for the learning students.
- Save Teacher time and efforts: The teacher by reusing the multimedia LR’s/content for teaching aid to provide real life or imagery and powerful explanation and example in classroom teaching.
- World Class education system: Its provide internet based central education system for department for increase quality in education and increase student motivation.