Moodle is a free ‘Open source’ learning management system (LMS). it is the most famous LMS within the world with over sixty eight million users world-wide!a super learning management solution for schools, faculties, universities and schooling academies, Moodle has the following teaching and learning tools, seamlessly integrated to make certain that learners, instructors and administrators benefit from the use of this kind of system:
With every new generation of learners, expectations from the environment in which they learn pose new technological and pedagogical challenges. With ever increasing mobility and accessibility to the Internet, how do we ensure that the learning that takes place outside the confines of classroom in a virtual environment leads to desired outcomes? Moodle, a Learning Management System that has passed the test of time presents a clear solution.
Moodle Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment:
Moodle is a free ‘Open Source’ Learning Management System (LMS). It is the most popular LMS in the world with over 68 million users world-wide!
Product Highlights
- Highly Modular
- Quick install
- Multi-browser compatibility
- White label customization
- Package tools on need basis
- Simple web interface for easy operations
- Signpost external resources
- Embed media files
- Synchronous & asynchronous group communication