We’ve proven understanding in software program development and offshore software outsourcing services. we’ve effectively finished software application development tasks for Cooperative Banks, Cooperative credit Societies, Housing Societies, manufacturing Industries, traders and retailers and lots of extra.
Software Features:
- Location Master – To Record Location information of groups (SHG/WT etc) village, division, cluster and block.
- Group Master – Create Master of groups of members with location information. With head of the group and number of members, etc.
- Member Master – To record personal details of each member of the program with contact information, family details, asset details, income details and credit history.
- Loan Product Master – To record type of loan products available in the system with details of amount limits interest rates, penal rates, tenure etc.
- Loan Purpose Master – Records various loan purposes with category information (farm/non farm etc).
- Account Master – Create various account heads for financial accounting.
- Account Group Master – Create various account GL Groups.
- Parameter Master – Stores various system parameters.
- User Master – Create / Modify Users for the software.
- Loan Disbursal Entry – Record group wise (WT/SHG) loan disbursed with amount installment details of each member availing loans.
- Receipt Entry – Record and print receipts to members for recovery towards loan principal and interest amount.
- Payment Entry – Record payments to suppliers and other expenses.
- JV Entry – Record Journal Vouchers.
- Contra Entries – Record Contra Entries between Cash and Bank accounts.
- Interest Calculation – Foreclosure of loan.
- Penalty Interests – For overdue accounts, defaulters.