Zenith software is a leading company of end-to-end, integrated banking software program solution. The corporation gives a set of incorporated and modular products for retail, corporate, Rural Banks, PACS and microfinance institutions.
Key Features
- 24/7 processing of large transaction volumes, with high availability.
- Multiple delivery channel support, including branches, ATMs, point-of sale terminals, BPO centers, mobile devices, and internet banking and M-Commerce.
- A Web-based user interface with user definable online help.
- Security management covering application and role-based access controlled by ACL
- Online validations and automated exception processing with maker checker concept.
- Centralized, decentralized (Store and Forward, Using only for consolidation and reporting), combination deployments.
- Ease of integration with existing systems using flexible XML and Web Services.
- Operational risk management controls, including limits, collateral, and nonperforming assets
- Centralized / Cluster / Distributed Deployments
- Modular Architecture allowing procurement of the required modules ‘as and when’ Bank transits in such segments
- Superior Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) allowing the Bank to optimize on its technology investments with the business scalability
- Multilingual Capability to reach the market
- Single window operation for all types account closing
- Automated lien handling process for deposit link loans
- Statutory reports generated in consolidated mode
- Customer centric KYC data captured on entry point to system
- State of art MIS reporting system