easyspec | Estimation and Rate analysis


This software is designed and developed to automate and speed up the process of Estimation, Analysis, Tendering and different related tasks. EasySpec automates the estimation activity for the contractors, builder’s, and Government agencies. It enables quick drawing out of justification, tender works, contractor bills, analysis of rates and different set of statements with various types of standard data.


This software is designed and developed to automate and speed up the process of Estimation, Analysis, Tendering and different related tasks. EasySpec automates the estimation activity for the contractors, builder’s, and Government agencies. It enables quick drawing out of justification, tender works, contractor bills, analysis of rates and different set of statements with various types of standard data.
This reduces working time and improves productivity. In Easyspec when the rate for any particular material changes it is automatically applied to all the related items for that site. Thus, enabling the client to have estimate with new rates. This facilitates the client to have the exact costing for every material group, rates of which may vary at various sites. This software is useful for contractors, builders and estimating agencies, which follow standard CPWD or PWD pattern.EasySpec has a rate analysis Master library. The library has more than 2000 items, the data of which can be accessed while working out any estimate. This not only enables one to have the rate analysis at hand but also speeds up the process of estimation and billing.

Source : http://www.newtonindia.com




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