The Trademark Management Software provides user to store trademark idea / inquiry and prepare & store search reports from different registries. It also allows conversion of idea / inquiry to case dockets, and thus one can monitor it. The complete processing, storage & retrieval of case documents is carried out from the Trademark module making the work of Trademark Agent highly simplified and productive
Key Features
- Centralized case docketing system
- Single Screen Case Dashboard
- Preformatted templates of cover letters and forms
- Auto Reminders and work alerts for upcoming deadlines
- Graphical Dashboard for Work alerts, Daily Administration and Accounts
- Role restricted access to paralegal, associates, attorneys & clients
- Comprehensive customized reports and graphs with export to excel facility
- Manage case / docket documents and allocate work anywhere any time
- Dash board with notification alerts with one click transfer to case dockets
- Monthly Hearing Dates Calendar
- Manage all inward / outward documents with automated entries to the case dockets
- Automated Reminders with configurable templates
- Complete case work flow management as per national and international rules
- Facility to generate bills and record receipts of the professional services