SFO Technologies is the flagship company of NeST Group, incorporated in 1990, offers total ODM Plus solutions to diverse industries globally.
Introduction to SFO Technologies
SFO Technologies is a subsidiary of the Nest Conglomerate. It is offering quality services and products to customers all corners of the world. SFO offers solutions to markets as diverse as Healthcare, Communication, Industrial and Transport. The areas of operation cover
SFO Technologies has a global existence with front end operations in all continents and the products and services are targeted at technology fields as diverse as Embedded Software, Middle-ware Applications, Digital Electronics, RF & Wireless, Wire harness, Power Supplies, Fiber Optics & Optronics and mechanical/plastic packaging.
Our ODM Solutions
- Hardware Design
- Software
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Hardware Testing & Certification
- Post Sale Support
Our Software Solutions
- Firmware
- Embedded Software
- Enterprise Solutions
- Digital Technologies