Quotation Management System (QMS) Software includes designing and automating the client’s Quotation. QMS aims to improve client’s business efficiency in creating and generating quotations, emailing quotations, maintain billing and shipping information and providing enhanced QMS reporting features. The quotations generated from QMS would serve as an input to the deals.
Key Features
- Automatic Document Generation Enables you to record all the information that is relevant for producing quotations.
- Reduce Quotation Time The longer the quotation takes to produce, the lower the margin you make on it.
- Report Generation Generates Invoice Report, Receipt Report, Customer Report, Unpaid Invoices Report, Unbalanced Records.
Key Benefits
- Web based automated quote management process helps the client to maximize the performance.
- Quicker conversion of existing open quotes into contracts.
- Advanced reporting features allow clients to forecast business projection and determine the success ratio for quotations.
- QMS ensures that each quotation is drawn up in accordance with predefined rules which increases your chances of success and your margin and reduces the costs of failure.