While migrating on-premise enterprise applications to the cloud can give you great advantages. We are someone who knows this business very well.
While migrating on-premise enterprise applications to the cloud can give you significant benefits like:
- lower capital expenditures,
- operational costs,
- dynamic scaling,
- high availability,
- multi-tenancy and
- effective resource allocation,
The migration process itself is not without complications and challenges. Some of the more common ones are:
- The original application design and architecture may not follow the principles and guidelines of a cloud-based system. This will require modifications to the software.
- The decision on the type of the cloud: public, private or hybrid.
- Integration complexities that exist between payment gateways, SMTP servers, web services, external storage, and third party vendors to the application.
- Compatibility of the operating system required by your application and that provided by your cloud vendor.
- Safely moving large amounts of sensitive data.
- Compliance regulations that need to be addressed in the new environment.
NCS has the expertise and experience to tackle these and other cloud migration challenges. Our migration systems and processes are suitable for all three types of migrations: IaaS, PaaS or a SaaS platform.