Our Web application development team (re)designs and develops websites and applications, providing full lifecycle support. We employ proven processes and methodologies to ensure a consistent environment for seamless, predictable delivery worldwide, reducing your development costs by leveraging global resources.
We deliver designs and solutions that transform complete range of business processes. We combine the best of emerging technologies with valuable components of legacy systems. We use our expertise and accelerate the development process with our Rapid Application development methodology (RAD) and use of the re-usable components from our industrial strength component library as well as proven open source components.
MWebWare develops web sites and applications on a variety of platforms. We work with our clients and select the right technology based on client and project requirements
MWebWare core competencies in web sites & application development are on the following platforms:
- Microsft .NET Platform
- Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP Platform
- Java Platform
- Adobe Platform