M-HealTM Health Expert System enables the Departments of Health / Family Welfare to manage, schedule, track, analyze and report all aspects of the student’s health lifecycle. A Single Database contains all records pertaining to each student, through the pregnancy, delivery, early childhood and subsequent schooling period.
M Heal Health Expert System
M Heal Health Expert System is a Multi-Dimensional Health Platform that is deployed at the school level, to manage School Health Programs. This is applicable to schools of various categories including Standalone Institutions, Cluster Schools, Kendriya Vidyalayas, International Schools and State run institutions. The data capture is done as early as at the preschool and carried forwards and be applied till the student completes his education. M-HealTMHES captures the basic health records pertaining to a specific Student, teachers, staff, parents and siblings, and others in the family, thereby providing for a comprehensive health management system through a simple school based deployment.
This application is easily extended to meet the requirements of the family, from pregnancy registration to visitations, health checks, nutrition tracking, delivery, and post-natal care and subsequent child health, growth and milestones attainment tracking, preventive health, counseling and others.