Kount Accounting Software – A Brand of Pinsoftek purposefully implied for Business Persons to deal with their Account possess. It is extraordinarily valuable for Small to Enterprise Companies, Doctors, Professionals and Manufacturing Units.
Kount Accounting Software Advantages
Kount Accounting Software offers Wide Range of Facilities. Providing thorough Computerized Accounting for any sort of element.
Any No. of year, Company insightful Password, Easiest New Year Process, Minimum-Maximum stock sign, Report yield on screen and Printer, Fastest Print than Never, Computer Based Training, Multiple Units for different items, Support of commission Agents in Sales Bill, Reminder Facilities for Payment and Receipt, Against Billing and Party shrewd Sales Rate, Comparison of two gatherings record and two years accounts, Renumbering Facility for Purchase, Receipt, and Payment and so on.
Features of the software
- Utilities: Data Backup and Restore, Usage of Function Keys, Missing Documents, Invoice Design, Year End Process, Balance Sheet and Trial Balance Checker, Bulk Modify for Account, Products and Transactions.
- Archive Printing: Invoice, Challan, Voucher, Cr. and Dr. Note, Sales and Purchase Return.
- Stock: Ledger and Summary ( GroupWise and Item shrewd ), Stock Statement, Negative Stock Indication, Reorder and Over Stock List, Stock with Multiple Units.
- Extract Reports: Excise Gatepass Printing, RG-23 D for Trade Excise, RG-23 An and RG – 23 C for Mfg. Extract, Monthly Submission Reports.
- Extraordinary Reports: Comparison of Two Accounts and Two Years, Expense Summary, Account Confirmation, Negative Cash Indication, Bank Reconciliation, Summary of Accounts.
Last Accounts: Trial Balance, Trading and Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Schedules, Depreciation Statement.
Remarkable: Receivable and Payable with impact of Bill No, Due days, Paid and Received Amount with Interest Calculation, Reminder Report on Startup, Outstanding Trial Balance. - Review, Sales Tax and Summary: Sales and Purchase Register, Sales and Purchase Return Register, VAT Register and VAT Reports, Partywise Summaries for Sales and Purchase.
Assembling Reports: Purchase and Consumption Reports, Production and Sales Reports, Daily Manufacturing Reports. - General Reports: Cash Book, Bank Register, Journal Voucher, General record – (A\C Wise and GroupWise.), Roj-mel.