Intellicon offers sales force automation solution using mobile computing technology to overcome above problems and make the system more efficient and responsive. All the field staff will be equipped with mobile computer device with the preloaded application software to take care of different operations required to complete the process.
Before designing the solution and identifying right product, Intellicon did a detailed study of needs of such customers and identified key areas as under:
- The mobile computer device has to be user friendly as field staff will not be a technical person.
- The equipment has to be rugged as it will be used in the field being exposed to dust, water, heat and chance of breakage etc.
- The device should have GPRS connectivity for online data communication which is must to check the stock and allocate stocks against new order booked on real time basis.
- As India is a very big country, thousands of field staff carrying the mobile computer will be on the street at a single time and there has to be remote management system to monitor the health of device and take proactive action.
- On-site support will be required by customer across the country to provide primary support to field staff and there should be repair facility in India as the devices are used in the field and there will be chance of breakage.
- The mobile computing device should be cost effective as thousands of units are required.
Key Benefit
- Sales force is able to see the stock and book the order from the field online
- Blocking the stock online against booking made.
- IT Asset team now is able to keep track of their assets distributed in the market.
- Mobile Computer being rugged could sustain the field abuse which reduces overall downtime.
- End user now is able to get the resolution for their problems within 4 hours from Intellicon due to its PAN India network and local repair support.