Integra Gold plus is a proven quality Gold Management package used by several organizations spread all over India. It is a single or multi – user package that integrates all functional modules of a money lending business along with integrated Financial Accounting.
Key Features
- Various loan schemes
- Provision for minimum interest and interest days
- Scheme wise payable value
- Provision for penal interest
- Gold item setup for easy entry during loan payment
- Automatic loan number generation and bar-coding facility
- Online photo capturing during loan payment
- Provision for nominee
- Daily update of market rate of gold and loan payment accordingly
- Provision for net weight and calculation of payable value in each loan
- Purity based calculation of payable value
- Provision to enter pledged item’s weight and qty and remarks
- Cash / cheque payment option
- Provision for capitalization of interest on regular interval
- Provision for partial receipt of principle and interest amounts
- Print subscriber’s photo during loan payment and view at the time of receipt
- Charge overheads like insurance, stamp cost, service charges, legal charges etc.
- Re-pledge and release of re-pledged items
- Automatic calculation of re-pledge limit
- Provision to send intimation letters up to 4 and tracking of loan repayment
- Branch wise and consolidated loan payment register
- Subscriber wise loan payment registers
- Branch wise and consolidated loan receipt register for principle, interest, charges
- Branch wise and consolidated receipt and payment statement
- Branch wise and consolidated pledge register for closed/pending/overdue
- Personal ledger: Subscriber wise and loan wise
- Outstanding (DUE) reports: Branch wise, Loan type wise, Subscriber wise
- Overdue statement with exceeded days
- Liability statement (as per the current market value)
- Loan schedule with or without receivables
- Loan schedule (Pending, closed, auctioned)
- Schedule for interest received
- Schedules for charges
- Gold stock register
- Branch wise/re-pledge stock/consolidated stock with loan value and market value
- Daily gold stock movement statement
- Variance report
- Letter report
- Auction proceedings