Free CRM helps you export data anytime, and you can always get a full snapshot of all of your data anytime. Sign up today and enjoy our hassle free service.


Introduction to FreeCRM

FreeCRM is simple to use and powerful offering you get a ton of features for the price. Built in VOIP click to call and SMS messaging helps you close more leads. Connect your team and your data on one view, one platform, from any device so everyone knows what’s going on.

Key Features of FreeCRM

  1. CRM dashboards
  2. Group calendar
  3. Contact manager
  4. Company management
  5. Deal management
  6. Sales pipeline
  7. Setup & customize
  8. Alerts & reminders
  9. Custom views & saved searches
  10. Task management
  11. Call automation & voice
  12. Campaigns – email, sms, print
  13. CRM synchronization
  14. Documents – cloud storage
  15. Web forms and CRM api
