FCS offers a unique methodology for SAP projects, where clients have a full control of the project and at the same time reap the cost benefit of project out sourcing. We have success stories where many fortune 500 clients have enjoyed total control and confidentiality of the project while leveraging the cost benefit of out-sourcing.
Ensuring the value of your SAP investment takes more than software. It takes FCS SAP Consulting — and the expertise and skill we’ve gained over years. With more than 100 certified consultants, plus a network of 2,000 independent consultants, FCS SAP Consulting can provide the depth and breadth of coverage your business / project demands.
The customer is at the core of FCS SAP’s consulting strategy. With FCS Consulting as your valued business partner, you benefit from our SAP skills and experience — and our close working relationship with SAP development, as well as our extensive consultants network.
FCS Consulting delivers sound support throughout the entire solution life cycle, with a portfolio of services that synergies you with:
- Total Project Control
- Offshore outsourcing cost advantage
- System and Data Security
- Your quality control policies & practices