Education ERP Software


Infinity offers cloud based Education ERP Software. This School Management Software is built to automate and digitalize school and educational institutions.


Introduction to Education ERP Software

Infinity’s Education ERP Software is explicitly structured and expected to cover the top to bottom functionality of educational organizations, for example, school, college, university and training institutes. This School management software will automate every functions of the schools.

Why do you need Education ERP Software?

  1. Fetching student, teachers or administrator information from paper records
  2. Problems in data exchange between different departments of educational institutions
  3. Updated and error-free record maintenance or student and staff becomes difficult
  4. Faultiness in financial records such as salary, fees, and expenses of institute
  5. Salary calculation becomes difficult task
  6. Old records can not be accessed easily and quickly
  7. Lot of time spent on time-table scheduling and management

Modules of Education ERP Software

  1. Admission Module
  2. Central Digital Evaluation System
  3. Certificate Automation (Paperless) Module
  4. College Affiliation System
  5. Electoral Management System
  6. Exam Module
  7. External Course Management
  8. Faculty Management Module
  9. File Tracking System
  10. HR and Payroll Management
  11. Meeting Management
  12. Online / Offline Medical Counselling System
  13. Online Feedback Module
  14. Payment Gateway Module
  15. Secure Question Paper Delivery system (SQPDS)
  16. Digital OMR Scanning & Result Generation System
  17. Student ModuleVisitor’s Module
