Dominion CRM


Dominion Dealer Solutions redefines how automotive dealers reach, retain, market and sell to customers with solutions enabling higher sales and ROI.


Introduction to Dominion CRM

Dominion Web Control is a web-based automotive dealer CRM and lead management solution designed to manage and market to both leads and prospects. It pulls lead data from over 300 sources including your website, your OEM’s website, and third-party websites.

Key Features of Dominion CRM

  1. Create sales processes for automated work plans and consistent follow-up reports.
  2. Incoming leads are routed to the right salesperson every time
  3. See follow-up action items
  4. Identify where the buyer is in the buying process
  5. Post-sale follow-up.
  6. Six different types of prospects.
  7. Compliance is easy with our opt-in process.
  8. Utilize ready-made templates with merge fields.
  9. Texting history.
  10. Text from within WebControl.
  11. More efficient lead follow-up.
  12. Appointment notes are captured in both systems.
  13. Calls are recorded, scored and saved in Web Control.
