MMI Vidyadhan is a School Management Software. It is one of the best fee management software available in the market.
Introduction to Vidyadhan
MMI vidya dhan is top school fee management software in India. MMI Vidyadhan offers several features in regards to school management. It allows to collect fee from various medium like internet banking and card. It is capable of managing information across school.
Modules of Vidyadhan
Fee Management
- You can customize Fee structure and various heads.
- Get fees in different mode like cash, card, NEFT, Cheque.
- You can Adjust advance fees or fee deposit against previous balance.
- Set transport fee based on student’s location.
- Configure fee Receipt printing.
Attendance System
- Allows to Create ID Cards for Students & Staff.
- Smart Attendance Feeding system.
- Allows to Send SMS to guardians for students related things.
- Attendances Register.
Exam Management
- Class wise test Schedule Definition with syllabus.
- Making of Type of Exam like Viva,Practical,Theoretical or Combination.
- Marks entry for Test,Mid Term and Final.
- Certificate printing like Mark-sheet and Tabular Register.
- Analysis of Topper list.
Student Management
- Student Inquiry Form Feeding,Printing & Follow up.
- Student Registration against Prospectus Sales or Inquiry.
- Either Admission against Registration or Directly.
- Can give fees Discount to a student at the time of admission.
- Student list as per various category.
Financial Accounting
- Automated financial accounting.
- Payroll management software.
- Manage cash flow.
- Status of Purchase Order.
- Stock & Inventory Register.
SMS and Email support
- Vacation alert by SMS/Email.
- SMS/Email to Parents on different ocassion.
- SMS/Email notification for Fee due date,paid and outstanding Fee.
- SMS/Email notification of Absent student to his/her parent.
- SMS/Email notification for Result to Parents.
- Interaction with Staff/Parents easily by SMS/Email.
Add-on Support
- Can be integrated with Website.
- Allows Integration with Android App.
- IOS App Integration.
- Auto Attendance RFID Integration.